How to Use Crazy Ivan


Use of Crazy Ivan generally boils down to 5 steps:

  1. Build Scenes
  2. Calibrate Scenes
  3. Start Event Streams
  4. Register Devices
  5. Stream Events

A Scene is a group of objects, that may or may not be associated to a latitude/longitude point. The updates in each scene are made with respect to a single coordinate-system, known as the Scene Coordinate System. There is no single, universal, master coordinate system, but rather these are defined by the relationships between each scene. Once a device has aligned it’s coordinate system with that of a single scene, it can move to any other which has a pre-defined relationship. This act of moving between scenes is known as ‘registration’.

Event Streams are streams of UDP messages sent from Crazy Ivan to registered devices. Crazy Ivan receives a single UDP message against a scene, and then broadcasts that message out to any devices that need it.

These concepts allow us to build a real-time, collaborative system for use-cases like collaborative animation, gaming, and Augmented Reality applications.

Build Scenes

This task is the starting point for any workflow, and can be accomplished using the Scene API.

We can use this API to create all of the Scenes we will need. What scenes we create will vary wildly by use case. For gaming-like applications, each Scene can represent a single level within the game, a single multi-player lobby within the game, or a section of map within a large-scale MMORPG. For augmented-reality applications, a single scene can represent anything from an individual’s apartment to a theatre.

Calibrate Scenes

This is an optional step where calibration devices are moved between scenes prior to registration of actual devices. This allows the scene network to be generated prior to devices moving between scenes, guaranteeing that actual devices will be able to move between scenes accurately.

Alternatively, end users can provide the calibration during live-use. Both approaches have drawbacks and benefits, but it is up to the application developers which method to prefer/utilize.

Either way, this is accomplished via the Registration API.

Start Event Streams

Prior to using a Crazy Ivan server, each cluster should be assigned particular Scenes to manage the event stream for. This is done using the Cache API.

This allows us to ensure that specific instances of Crazy Ivan are streaming to particular groups of devices, so that we can ensure minimal latency in the transmission. It also allows Crazy Ivan to cache scene and device information in-memory, rather than having to hit the database for each Event.

Register Devices

During initial device registration for end-user devices, they may need to calibrate their initial coordinate system with the scene coordinate system. Note that this is only true, in general, for Augmented Reality applications.

Regardless, once devices are first registered, they can then further use the Registration API to move between scenes. As they move, they will receive Event Streams for the scenes they are registered to.

As devices move between scenes, they may be moving between different coordinate systems, especially in the case of Augmented Reality. This is where the network we created during calibration comes into play: each device is provided all of the information it needs to resolve the differences between the coordinate systems when it registers for another.

Stream Events

Finally, devices can move about freely between scenes, sending Events which are consumed by other components, and passed to Crazy Ivan for final routing. This is done via the Event Stream API

Because of this, Crazy Ivan does not care what is actually in an ‘Event’. It only reads the start of the message to find the scene, and beyond that it can contain any text-based message you desire.

Event Streams are designed to be as fast as possible. Communication of events is limited to UDP and/or shared memory, and events can be restricted to specific clusters of Crazy Ivan and other components to ensure minimal network latency.

Optionally, Event Streams can also utilize AES symmetric-encryption, to make sure that the live updates cannot be read by prying eyes.

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